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Being married while running a business is no walk in the park

It’s no secret…

…Being married while running a business is no walk in the park.

Especially if you have kids.

Most days you feel like you’re being asked to juggle100lb dumbbells while kicking water uphill.

It’s not for the faint of heart.

When you consider the chaos that comes along with

…employees who underachieve and constantly need their handheld.

…the never-ending “To Do” lists

…constantly getting pulled away from higher priorities to put out other people’s fires.

While at the same time…

…struggling to find the time and energy to stay in shape and play with your kids

…and the time and space to really connect with your wife and be the man she wants

Needless to say,

The chaos is relentless.

And it’s not like it takes the weekends off.

The tension and pressure caused by the chaos just continue to build and wear men down.

Consuming all their thoughts – making it difficult to “shut it off” at the end of the day to be patient and present with their families.

Leading to a disconnected where sex is rare, arguments are often and your wife is more of a “roommate with a ring” than a loved and respected partner.

In fact, for one of our clients Ryan, things got so bad with his marriage…

…that his wife was days away from having an affair with another man

Which is one of the reasons why he decided to join us at The Powerful Man.

He knew something had to change if he was going to save his marriage.

Now things have spun a complete 180…

I’ll let him fill you in on what happened next in THIS VIDEO –