Is your program expensive?
We don’t believe so – but what are we comparing it to? We work with all kinds of men; some on the brink of divorce or separation, some on the verge of mental exhaustion, some whose business is reliant on them being and giving more than they are right now. These men are barely getting by, showing up as a shadow of the man they were or should be.
The financial implications (not to mention the emotional costs) if they don’t make a change are enormous – divorce, business failure, medical bills.
We also often find that men haven’t made any kind of real investment in themselves. Maybe they’ve read a book or been to a seminar. Maybe they learned some new life strategy, and were inspired and motivated to change…for a time. But quickly that energy faded, and they fell back into their old patterns.
We are proposing a fundamental shift in how they show up in the world. They are held accountable and scored in all areas of their life – in business, in relationships, in health, in self and in wealth.
We have seen men transform in all of these areas – make the biggest business deals of their lives, bring their marriages back from the brink, turn around their physical health. We believe the ROI on this is huge compared to the expense…
And more importantly, so do our alumni.
Are you ready to change your life?
Get clear. Get unstuck.
Develop a passionate marriage.
Be a superhero to your kids.
And be proud of the man you see in the mirror.
Sign up now to start the rest of your life.