Setting Standards For Yourself
The standards we set for ourselves guide us and allow us to achieve the results that we want and carry us to where we want to go.
The standards we set for ourselves guide us and allow us to achieve the results that we want and carry us to where we want to go.
Our society teaches us that in order to solve the problems in our marriage we should go through counseling or therapy and talk things out…but some people don’t want to talk about it because it just brings more weight to the problem.
We have good news…there is another way to turn things around.
In this episode, Tim & Doug discuss how to shift your mindset to make progress in your business and personal life and how it starts with asking yourself about your standards.
In another open and honest discussion, Tim & Doug share their thoughts on what they describe as one of the most common issues faced by men across the business world today. However, it’s not something anyone needs to go through, what happens if you replace the word ‘or’ with the word ‘and’ in this scenario, how does that life look to you?
In this episode, Tim & Doug present another deep discussion about what it truly means to become a powerful man and they put the case forward for ditching the idea of a physical, tough, war-like alpha male in favor of a calm, quietly confident, self-assured man as being the one we should aspire to.
In this episode, Doug shares his personal experience and journey with coffee & alcohol and why you might want to consider limiting your consumption.
All too often we feel stuck and as if we aren’t moving forward. We may even have great things going on, but feel like we aren’t growing as fast as we would like to.
We live in a society where it is being taught that money can solve everything. As a man, we think that we need to make more money to make our marriage or relationship going. We become addicted to work because we always feel that the money we’re making is not enough so we grind more, thus leaving us never satisfied.
In this week’s episode, Tim & Doug share another invaluable conversation that will empower your mindset and improve your business and personal when putting to action.
The quote that sums up the premise of this weeks’ episode as Tim & Doug discuss the importance of sticking to your word. Have you ever found you miss appointments, cancel meetings or don’t follow through on things you say you will do with your family or in your business? This doesn’t mean you’re a bad person, just that you are committing to too many things that you are not passionate about.
In this episode, Tim shares a very personal topic of how his extended family is littered with suicide and broken down relationships due to demons of the past being handed down through generations. Tim explains how he overcame the demons in his immediate family and discusses the wider picture of how this generation needs to step up to our demons by having conversations and taking responsibility.
In this episode, Tim & Doug ask Are you paying the price for past mistakes? Past mistakes or negatives in our lives have a tendency to stay within us in some way and unless you address them and forgive yourself for them they can sabotage your future progress. So many of us go through life without realizing that we are making the same mistakes repeatedly.
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