Holding Space for the Woman in Your Life
In this episode, we dive deep into what it looks like to hold space for your woman and why holding space for her is the answer you’ve been looking for.
In this episode, we dive deep into what it looks like to hold space for your woman and why holding space for her is the answer you’ve been looking for.
In this episode, Tim and Doug discuss Tim’s conversation with one of the men from the brotherhood. He shared that this particular man has been hiding or living just to get by for the past several months after becoming a better man as a result of joining the brotherhood.
For the past 12 months, this guy achieved phenomenal things. To name a few, he landed a 6-figure deal in his business which is the largest in his company’s history, he reunited with his family, lost weight, is now picking up his kids from school and now has control over all aspects of his life.
Have you ever witness someone destroying other people just to gain more in their own life or business?
Has that person ever been you?
As men, we are taught that in order to provide for our family we have to work hard. Working hard then leads us to hustle, leaving us to think that we are doing exactly what we are supposed to do….but in reality, we are completely missing the mark.
We are taught to believe that when we hustle and grind we will become successful and this will make us happy. This is the idea of success and happiness that was taught to us by society.
Women want to be led by a man who knows what he is doing and knows where he is going. Part of it comes from feeling secure from the person who’s leading her. She needs to know that her partner is man enough to be a strong foundation for her and for their family.
Most men have the belief that to provide for his family is to provide “financially”. So as a result, he hustles and grinds every day to earn money but eventually loses himself in the process and doesn’t have anything more to give when he gets home.
In this episode Tim & Doug discuss a real life example of a man they spoke with who felt everything around him was the reason he was unfulfilled. He blamed the location in which he was based, the people and other external factors for all that was wrong in his life, avoiding the real issue, which was himself!
Holding back from the things you wanted to say and do will HINDER you from being free from all the stress and anxiety.
You end up feeling trapped within yourself from keeping all the emotions and energy inside because you are afraid that people might judge and see your weakness.
Holding back from the things you wanted to say and do will HINDER you from being free from all the stress and anxiety.
You end up feeling trapped within yourself from keeping all the emotions and energy inside because you are afraid that people might judge and see your weakness.
In this episode, Tim & Doug present another incredibly motivating 30 minutes of audio about how we fall into the trap of procrastinating and putting things off with excuses and lies that we tell ourselves.
In this episode, Tim & Doug present another incredibly motivating 30 minutes of audio about how we fall into the trap of procrastinating and putting things off with excuses and lies that we tell ourselves.
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