Take off The Mask [REVISIT]
This weeks’ episode brings another very familiar story and common thread for entrepreneurs and business owners.
This weeks’ episode brings another very familiar story and common thread for entrepreneurs and business owners.
Most of us tend to focus on our weaknesses on a regular basis, but what we encourage at The Powerful Man is to surround instead yourself around people that excel in the categories of your weaknesses.
The number one mistake men make is prioritizing business as our foundational territory. This is common as we are taught that as men we should provide for our family. We hustle to make money in order to provide but we often forget that we should also provide emotionally.
If not, it will be difficult for you to move, leaving you stuck in the darkness.
When you begin t recognize that you are experiencing the 5 agonies, you then become able to shift it into the 5 freedoms.
In order to become a powerful man, you should understand where you are in order to navigate your way through.
If not, it will be difficult for you to move, leaving you stuck in the darkness.
When you begin t recognize that you are experiencing the 5 agonies, you then become able to shift it into the 5 freedoms.
So many people struggle with structure and organization in their business and personal lives because they have failed to create good boundaries. If you have no boundaries or structure your life and business is freewheeling, you will never know what to say yes or no to and you will fall into the trap of people pleasing and other peoples schedules and priorities will run your life instead.
We get to strip away what we have been told and show the REAL us because IT IS NOT US WHO IS BROKEN…BUT THE SYSTEM.
We only live once…so live a quality life with purpose.
Many of us feel discontented with the life that we have and how much money we make.
We want more and that’s why we hustle to earn more without knowing what we really desire.
Having an employee who is your friend will greatly affect your decision-making when the time comes that you discover that person to be someone who is sabotaging your business.
Do we really have a nearly unlimited personal power?
Imagine you won the lottery. How would you be feeling? You might be jumping up and down, shouting, laughing, screaming and celebrating. You see, that energy already exists in us but we are not aware of it or how we can unlock it.
We often complain about many things that lack in our relationships and we tend to blame our partners, but in reality, the problem is within ourselves.
Thinking his marriage was going good, spending his time slugging along, working, getting things done, providing for his wife and his three kids, discovering this about his wife who bought a book about how to win a divorce raises a really huge red flag.
In this episode, we dive DEEP into the conversation around the patterns we have picked up from our fathers, how that has affected us, how that has affected those around us, and HOW to make the shifts that will free us from these ineffective patterns.
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