No Man’s Land
The agony you feel when you start comparing yourself with the man you know you could be can be stopped if you just commit to change.
The agony you feel when you start comparing yourself with the man you know you could be can be stopped if you just commit to change.
Providing for your family doesn’t only mean providing financially but also emotionally. We have this unconscious commitment that if we work longer hours, THEN we will be able to provide well for our family’s future.
Cocaine is one of the most commonly abused drugs in the world. Its side effects include loss of contact with reality and an intense feeling of happiness. And a lot of men struggle with this addiction.
No matter how much money or business you have…if you are not clear on who you want to be, you will still end up feeling empty.
Most of us grew up believing that money is the most important thing in this world and that it will solve everything. So we get in this habit of hustling without realizing that as we keep on making money, we end up missing out on the things we say are most important to us.
By leveling up in your life, you are exposing yourself to more possibilities that require you to face your fears, step in, and see what life has in store for you. Who you believe yourself to be and what kind of standard you have dictates how you will perform and how you level up your performance.
Understanding how fear can hold you back is the key to getting past this block. It’s in our nature to think that once we have achieved our goals that we then reach the end point, and it’s also natural for us not to want to reach the end of our purpose because, what would we do then?
Like in any relationship, if you hold back on how you are really feeling for fear of upsetting your partner, it always gets bottled up and these bottled up emotions will always come out at some point in a much more explosive way than if you tackle the issue there and then.
In this episode Tim & Doug examine the nature of courage and try to answer the question; What is courage in the modern society?
Courage is something we hear about so often but do we really understand it. It’s something that we all have within us, but some use tap into it better than others and the benefits can be huge. Once you understand the true meaning of courage, you too can learn how to train yourself to be more courageous.
It’s safe to say, for most of us there is no relationship as important as the one you have with your partner. This relationship, like any business relationship, can be difficult and falls on hard times but how much do we actually invest in maintaining and improving it compared to our business relationship?
We define a father based on how we have seen and experienced growing up as their kids. We have our stories to tell about our fathers both good and bad ones but it is up to us to decide what kind of father we want to be later on. We do not need to re-live the same story, we have our choice to rewrite our own.
In this episode, Tim & Doug touch on the topic men too often are afraid to talk about their own sexual relationship. We were raised to see this as a very private part of our lives and not something that was to be discussed openly. The male ego can also stop us from admitting to a poor sexual relationship, but many people suffer from a sexless relationship that has lost its energy and spark.
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