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The Powerful Man


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The Powerful Man Show

How to Navigate Unmet Expectations

To navigate unmet expectations, it should be communicated clearly and calmly. Navigating unmet expectations also means being able to think outside the box for possibilities or alternatives instead of expecting an exact black or white outcome.

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The Powerful Man Show

What Are Your Standards?

In this episode Tim & Doug discuss how to shift your mindset to make progress in your business and personal life and how it starts with asking yourself about your standards.

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The Powerful Man Show

My Business or My Marriage

In this episode Tim & Doug one of the most common issues they encounter in The Activation Method. Men who feel they need to choose between their marriage or their business.

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The Powerful Man Show

Don’t Go to War

In this episode, Tim & Doug present another deep discussion about what it truly means to become a powerful man and they put the case forward for ditching the idea of a physical, tough, warlike alpha male in favor of a calm, quietly confident, self-assured man as being the one we should aspire to.

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The Powerful Man Show

Why Success is Not Always Sexy

“The most powerful force in the entire universe is compounded interest”In this weeks episode, Tim & Doug share another invaluable conversation that will empower your mindset and improve your business and personal when put to action.

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The Powerful Man Show

Be Careful Who You Seek Counsel From

Episode #21“You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with”In this episode, Doug brings to the table a real story of a man who was getting business advice from somebody who was completely unqualified to do so and it kicks off a discussion about the importance of surrounding yourself with like-minded people who you contribute towards your goals in business and life.

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The Powerful Man Show

Honor Your Word

In this episode, you will discover how to better understand your inner workings and the lies you may be telling yourself so that you can spend more time doing the things that you are really passionate about and not burn yourself out with other things

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The Powerful Man Show

Do It Now

In this episode, Tim & Doug present another incredibly motivating 30 minutes of audio about how we fall into the trap of procrastinating and putting things off with excuses and lies that we tell ourselves.

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The Powerful Man Show

Do Less & Be More

In this episode Tim shares a story of a business owner who was in hustle mode, working non-stop, living fast and hard but he was also drained and unable to appreciate his success and everything good in his life. His thoughts were telling him things like “you have to take the rough with the smooth” or “Life isn’t all sunshine and rainbows”. This is something we can all relate to, phrases we were brought up hearing and have become ingrained in our psyche. Tim argues that this doesn’t have to be the way and asks why can’t we just have the good??

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The Powerful Man Show

It’s not the Location

In this episode, Tim & Doug discuss a real-life example of a man they spoke with who felt everything around him was the reason he was unfulfilled. He blamed the location in which he was based, the people and other external factors for all that was wrong in his life, avoiding the real issue, which was himself!

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The Powerful Man Show

Master The Art Of Appreciation

In this episode, Tim & Doug share personal stories and actionable techniques on how to master the art of appreciation to benefit you and the people around you. Tim shares “The power of the basics”, explaining how he has seen people who work extremely hard but no matter how much they achieve it’s never enough. Going back to basics was the answer to being able to practice appreciation. Listen now to find out how you can start feeling more appreciative with some really simple and basic steps.

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