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Revisit: Getting Out of No Man’s Land

Episode #232

Most business owners start their business to make money and have more freedom in their life but they end up becoming a slave to their business.

Most business owners are perceived as being successful, charismatic, and leaders within their business but when you take a look into their personal lives & relationships, they’re falling short. Their life has become about them serving their business and not the other way around.

They typically hold the belief that nobody could replace them. And when they become profitable enough to hire someone who is like them, or even better than them to do the job, they become hesitant because the idea of replacing themselves means they are not going to be needed and this terrifies them.

In this episode, we talk about the importance of setting up your business to serve you to your highest purpose and HOW to do that through upgrading yourself, your methodologies, and your belief operating system.

You get to discover a way to reset yourself and become a business owner rather than a business operator. You get to be that business owner who is free to experience all the best in life not to become someone who is a slave to their job.

Identify where you’re at and make a shift. Reset and reclaim. Make your business serve you to it’s highest purpose.


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