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Revisit: My Business or My Marriage

Episode #124

In this episode Tim & Doug one of the most common issues they encounter in The Activation Method. Men who feel they need to choose between their marriage or their business.

In another open and honest discussion, Tim & Doug share their thoughts on what they describe as one of the most common issues faced by men across the business world today. However, it’s not something anyone needs to go through, what happens if you replace the word ‘or’ with the word ‘and’ in this scenario, how does that life look to you?

This is something that is very possible but it requires a mindset shift and you being open and honest with yourself about who you are, how you feel and where you want to be in life.

Tim shares a story of a man he spoke to who was facing this exact issue. He felt the need, as a man to make his wife feel safe and secure and his way of doing this was earning money. This is a common alpha male natural instinct. However, things change when his wife dropped the bombshell that she felt more secure when he was unemployed and they were financially insecure. What his wife wanted and what he thought she wanted were two completely different things.

Are you building your dream and your dream alone or are you including your wife and/or family?

Doug shares a practice he carries out with his family when planning for his business which raises the importance of including your partner in business decisions you make, not necessarily day to day decisions but outlooks and how it will affect your personal life. Is there really any point in working every hour you can in order to make extra money if it means you don’t have the time to enjoy with your family

There is a balance to be had… you need to start working smarter not harder and you can start to do it right now!

Finally, Tim & Doug address the thought that some people are hiding from their marriage through their work. If you are asking yourself to choose between your marriage and your business, there is likely to be a deeper reason why you are not putting your marriage first because you are not being fulfilled, this is something you can address and fix to live a more successful and fulfilling life.

Things you will discover in this episode:

  • How to balance business alongside your personal life.
  • How to work smarter not harder.
  • What causes you to think you need to choose between your marriage or your business.
  • The common pattern amongst 99% of the men who can’t balance work and marriage.
  • The importance of delegation.
  • The biggest mistakes men make when trying to balance a business with marriage.
  • How we include our partners in business decisions and goals.
  • Learn how Doug plans for his business with his family
  • What to do if you are avoiding your marriage through your work
  • Tim shares an actionable technique to start helping your business work balance immediately


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