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Revisit: What Does It Take To Become A Powerful Man

Episode #176

In order to become a powerful man, you should understand where you are in order to navigate your way through.

If not, it will be difficult for you to move, leaving you stuck in the darkness.

When you begin t recognize that you are experiencing the 5 agonies, you then become able to shift it into the 5 freedoms.

As men, we are constantly sold on this idea of “power” in the form of external power. But the truth is, both external and internal power and strength are important.

It takes courage to break the chain of society and take a stand for what really matters to you. The courage and vulnerability to be able to accept what situation you are in and transform your greatest pain into your greatest power.

We tend to believe that to be a man we have to earn money, but while doing what we are told to do we are not achieving our dreams but somebody else’s dream.

We feel empty in spite of the achievements and approvals we get from society because we know within us that these are just false success and these don’t really matter to us.

Reconnect to your instinct, break the chains of the society, stand firm to what is really important to you and allow it to flow through you. This will show in your energy, peace, clarity, and power.

What you will learn in this episode:

  • How to break the chains of society
  • The importance of standing firm in what you believe
  • How to become a powerful man without sacrificing your dreams and happiness
  • How to transform your greatest pain into the greatest power
  • How to recognize and accept what situation we are into in order for us to navigate our path


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