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Thomas Waller’s Journey

Episode #344

How did The Alpha Reset change Thomas Waller’s life?

Before he found The Powerful Man he was in the darkest time of his life – separated from his wife, arrogant, selfish…his life is falling apart.

Going to The Alpha Reset was the best moment of his life. It was the moment he woke up and found his true self. It was a deeply moving experience. As a direct result, he has grown spiritually, personally, and professionally.

In this episode, we are going to talk about Thomas Waller’s journey, the realizations he had on that journey, his advice, and how The Alpha Reset changed his life.


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Episode Transcript

Thomas Waller 0:00 

Even the beginning at the start of The Activation Method. Now, I know that there was a lot lighter upon when I started. I saw some really good changes in myself. But I knew that I was still keeping a bit bad thinking, Oh, yeah, no, no, I thought I know it. I’m still not changing it. I’m still doing it. It’s all good and well, enough for you too.

Doug Holt 0:00

Hey, everyone, I’m excited to bring someone special to me here as well. not only somebody who’s graduated The Activation Method. The Alpha Reset is now moved on to the one-year mastermind we have here at The Powerful Man called The Brotherhood, Mr. Tom Waller. Thank you so much, Tom, for being here. 

Thomas Waller 0:20

Thanks, Doug, Nice to meet everybody.

Doug Holt 0:24 


Thomas Waller 0:25 

Amazing journey. So far.

Doug Holt 0:27 

You have had an amazing journey., so because this journey started for you when COVID occurred, you and I haven’t met in person, though, we’ve talked quite a bit, Tom, paint a picture for those guys that are watching this, and put yourself may be back in time, I know, it’s super hard to do that, because you’ve had such a transformation. But putting yourself back in when you first were either looking or when you first found The Powerful Man, where were you in your life.

Thomas Waller 0:57

So for me, it was a very, very dark time in my life. My weight was gone quite up. I was at my wife and me, and we were just, we just got different houses at that time. So we’d, we’d call it to end separated at the time. I was a horrible person to be around. I was arrogant. I was selfish, even more, my staff, my employees. Now they’re there, and they’re doing a job. I, the respect, and the thing that I was showing to people are what I was probably getting back, and my life was spiraling down. My faults, my feelings, my attitude to life at that time. For me, I remember I was on Facebook. I was thinking, why, why? What can I do? And yeah, I noticed this post. Before, it sort of said that, about reconnecting with your wife and help where it could help with the business for wireless this tribe. So I remember applied, and then I believe it was Tim that gave me a call. Just was transparent. Tim told him exactly what I’d been doing more done. How much of an asshole it was.

Doug Holt 2:48

Yeah., that’s not it’s not uncommon, right. a lot of us are guys. We find ourselves in these dark places. There are not many people you can talk to about this and not share what’s going on, like, beyond just the image that people see.

Thomas Waller 3:09

That is the hardest thing because even at the beginning, at the start of The Activation Method. Now I know that there was a lot that I took on, and I started. I saw some really good changes in myself then. But I knew that I was still kept in a bit back. There were still areas where there are no mirrors, no me. Oh, oh, thinking, Oh, yeah, I know it, or you fit. I thought I know it, but I’m still not changing it. I’m still not doing it. So it’s all good. Well, you say in it, but unless you’re putting that thing into action, that’s never going to change.

It realizes their steps. Lucky for me. I was lucky because of when the lockdown happened. I was just able to do my alpha reset.

Doug Holt 4:17

Yep, the last man.

Thomas Waller 4:20

That, for me, was my Pinnacle. That is my eye. If that is the best moment in my life so far because it was the moment I woke up and I found myself, and I fought, wow, it was, I had such a moving experience. I knew after that, after coming out that the now be honest, at the time where I was, I remember Tim sitting down with me, and I knew that I couldn’t financially afford it. But then I knew in my heart, and I couldn’t financially afford to do it because that would cost me. the biggest investment I’ve had in my self-growth. Since then, I have grown spiritually, grown financially with my business, and my business is now thriving. Not only that, it is opened my eyes to new ideas. I’ve set up a great new company with my dad, Eco-fi, to offer people a more eco-friendly approach to a standard concrete base. These are bases that have gone through structural engineering. It’s all with a timber structured frame. It comes with so many pros where it’s a lot quicker, it’s a lot cheaper, and I’m so pumped to try and get this to get off the ground and start getting into surprise because it’s something that I believe will thrive. I mean, we’re already looking for innovating and new ideas as to how we can expand it. So I’m pumped for that.

Doug Holt 6:24

Yeah, as you should be. If then hopefully, I’m oversharing here. But if I’m not mistaken, you and your dad weren’t super close. Maybe before The Activation Method and The Alpha Reset.

Thomas Waller 6:39

That’s correct. Yeah, The Alpha Reset. Before my reset. I wasn’t even speaking to my dad. My dad’s a, and I had a strong feeling that my dad was ashamed of me, my dad, because I had children very young age. Or I’d also I’d left my partner’s I’ll bring three children on myself. He had sort of different ethics; it’s like, no, you should focus all on your potential work. It was, we never saw eye to eye and coming up, reset. But I feel good about that. But I’ve never, never my whole life had a relationship with my dad when I was younger, my dad worked away. My mom woke me up. So it’s like, wow, this man I never knew, and I feel so close. Then to be able to be in a position where we can build this together. For me, it means so much. Just seeing my dad’s face and how connected he makes him and me. I want this to thrive for both of us and just fought for my dad because my dad means so much to me. I do love my dad so much daily.

Doug Holt 8:22 

Hey, sorry to interrupt the show. I wanted to ask you a question. Do you ever feel like something’s just missing, like there’s something more out there, and you just can’t put your finger on it. I get it. Go over right now to to discover the system that other businessmen just like you are using. We’ve included 10 case studies, ten men just like you who have found the solution and found their way on their path. But we want to share that with you. Go over to right away. Now let’s get back to the show. 

Doug Holt 8:03

That was beautiful, man. I mean, he would bring tears to my eyes. I’m going to call my dad after this. It would mean you mentioned what we call the five territories self, health, wealth, relationships, and business. You mentioned my business, my other business. So you’ve had for a while as a business owner. That’s increasing. But one thing that most guys don’t think about. I want to talk to you about this because many guys come in to solve their relationship, right business, okay. But they solve a relationship thing. Your business is thriving, but you lost 50 pounds of weight. Let’s do that. Let me see if I can do this quickly. In kilos, so that’s about 25 kilos, roughly. I’m not mistaken or somewhere in that ballpark.

Thomas Waller 8:52

Yeah, yeah, somewhere around that. Yeah.

Doug Holt 8:54

If you’ve not only done that, I will let you take this away because I’m going to brag about you for a second. If I can, but you’ve done that by just reclaiming your passion, and your passion turns into reclaiming your health. You’ve not only lost the weight as you went on a diet, but you also built muscle. You’ve done so well while doing it by one spiring. The guys in other men are in The Brotherhood; also those alumni who have gone through The Activation Method and The Alpha Reset and doing that, and you’ve done it so much. So you’ve started just recently, you started your own YouTube channel that you previously wouldn’t have done. You’ve got something you told me right before we recorded this, which I’ll say right now. You’re having people randomly call you and ask you, Hey, will you train me? Did you ever think that was possible?

Thomas Waller 9:47

No, it was, as soon as I started trading, and just, and I thought, Oh, my God, I have a passion, I have a love. Just, and then when, when I’m doing it, and I’m filming it, and sending it into The Brotherhood, and seeing how that’s inspiring others, I thought, that lights me up people more, because I know that I’m helping people and they’re inspired. I thought, wow, this feels amazing. So I have also put myself on a personal trainer course I’m doing level three. I’m just about a pass that I’ve got and nutrition course. So I’m excited about that. Before I do that on a sideline. I started because of the response from all the videos I was posting in the province. Yeah, I set up a Gmail as a six-pack dad. At the moment, obviously, yes, I need to get better, better, but Cameron glaring, get more content, right. But I was just so pumped to get it out there. I thought, right, let’s start posting videos on, aim to do two to three a week to help and see if we get reaches out to the people and inspires them. Love and behold, yeah, straight away, I two people ring me up and say, Look, I see what you’ve just done in weight loss. I think it’s so inspiring. Would you train me? And I thought, wow, that feels so powerful. It feels so nice. It suits. Yeah, it just fills me with so much excitement about it. His big passion that I feel just that I didn’t know was there. I thought, wow,

Doug Holt 11:38

I love this one on so many levels because so many of us guys are entrepreneurs like myself we can lose the passion for what we’re doing. Two is for running one business, and even we can excuse that we don’t have time. You’re not only you’re scaling, essentially the business you had coming in, but that’s also like you’re out here having to hire new employees, you have to do all of these things, you have too much work. You’re starting a second business with your father that’s going international, if I can say that because I know that. Yeah, and you’ve got a third thing, which is you’ve turned this new passion and love of yours, and you’re now you’re inspiring other people. I think it’s fantastic. People say you can’t have it all. you’re like, yeah, you can have it all and

Thomas Waller 12:22

but not only that, I’m still bringing up free children as well. So

Doug Holt 12:26

that’s easy. the hardest thing I’ve ever done,

Thomas Waller 12:33 

that’s probably my hardest job, if I’m honest, is the other thing is just as hard as you make it. Wow is I’ve got great, great people around me. I put great systems in place and manage my time well, and at the moment, I feel like I am flying, and I want to feel everyone that I can with this love and this joy that I have in this excitement and passion inside me to give it to as many people as I can.

Doug Holt 13:07

I love that, and you said previously I was a jerk, So Tom is wrapping up here for this, and I appreciate you coming on and for you guys watching that. I mean, Tom is strictly coming on here to inspire you guys because he knows the place that he was in. If you can, but you if you could go back and talk to Tom. Call Tom 1.0. Right. Before you found The Powerful Man. Or someone who just found this, like, if you can imagine yourself watching a video of a guy talking about his experience, what advice would you give to him?

Thomas Waller 13:48

You have to open your heart. You have to look at yourself and think, where are you going? What path Are you going to take? Are you happy to keep treading along where you are? Where’s that going to take you, Or do you want to open this path to this newfound abundance and freedom? The skills will help you live in such a higher, better place for you, your family, your friends, your business? Yeah. For me, I opened my heart. I went all in. Thank God I did. Thanks. I’m so so grateful for The Brotherhood. I’m so grateful for everything that I have learned along the way. I will go and continually grow. I will continually look for new ways to innovate myself. But I am so glad that I took that step followed my heart.

Doug Holt 15:08

And it hasn’t even been a year, man, can you imagine that? Just the beginning of it. I am so honored to witness your journey Tom and the lives of the ripple effect of people you’re affecting, literally around the world is truly, truly inspiring to me and warms my heart. So thank you for letting me be a small part of that.

Thomas Waller 15:27

Now, you’re welcome. Thank you so much for your help and support, as well.

Doug Holt 15:32

Well. Absolutely. Thanks, Tom.