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Turning Life Around: How TPM Changed Everything

Episode #874

In this episode, we hear the inspiring journey of Kelly Disiewich who was on the verge of losing it all—his marriage, his business, and his identity. Feeling disconnected from his wife and overwhelmed by stress, he was stuck in a cycle of frustration, resentment, and hopelessness. Like many men, he thought he was doing everything right, but nothing seemed to work.

That’s when he discovered The Powerful Man program, and everything changed. Hear how he transformed his life, reignited the passion in his marriage, and reclaimed his leadership both at home and in his business. We break down the exact steps and mindset shifts that allowed him to go from a man on the brink of collapse to one who now lives with clarity, purpose, and renewed energy.

This episode is packed with actionable insights for any man who feels like he’s just “going through the motions,” unsure of how to fix his relationship or regain control over his life. From reigniting intimacy with his wife to reigniting his personal drive and ambition, this episode covers it all.

Whether you’re struggling in your marriage, your career, or just feeling lost, this story will show you that change is not only possible—it’s within your control. Join us as we explore the power of stepping up, taking action, and turning your life around.

Tune in to hear a story of hope, transformation, and the strength of a man who decided to stop waiting for things to get better and took action to change his life forever.

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Kelly Disiewich  0:00  

You know, there were moments when I just wasn’t able to be happy with my wife, with my children, and they were sensing it. I could see that relationship deteriorating. I could see the path she was going down. I could see my son, who’s now nine and was seven at the time, unhappiness in himself. In our relationship with my wife, there was nothing there — the traditional or prototypical “a million miles apart while we’re two feet apart.” That was every night, and it all came from within me. I just wasn’t happy with myself. 

Tim Matthews  0:45  

Guys, have you ever wondered what it’s like to be on either side of the TPM journey? To really hear from men, real men, just like you, who have gone through the journey and walked the path that you may be considering, as a father, a man, a leader, and a husband? Well, if so, today you’re in for a treat. I have an amazing man with me, who I’ve just pulled out of day three of the Alpha Reset. He’s here volunteering to give back to other men, and that guy is Mr. Kelly Disiewich.

Kelly Disiewich  1:26  
Yes, thank you, Tim. 

Tim Matthews  1:27  
How are you doing, brother?

Kelly Disiewich  1:29  
I am doing amazing. My heart is full.

Tim Matthews  1:31  

Kelly Disiewich  1:32  
Well, the opportunity to come and volunteer here has been one of the greatest gifts I’ve had in a long time. It’s been an amazing gift these last three days. As we head towards the end of day three, it’s just been an incredible experience.

Tim Matthews  1:53  
You’re glowing. You’re constantly smiling. It’s awesome.

Kelly Disiewich  1:59  
Yeah, that’s something that came out of my original reset. After the initial high wore off a bit, I found my ability to bring that back. This The Alpha Reset that I’ve been able to help with… well, we’ll dive into that, and I’ll share what that’s done for me.

Tim Matthews  2:20  
Just dive in, brother.

Kelly Disiewich  2:24  
One of the most amazing things about this experience, versus my original reset, is the ability to share and feel each man’s journey that I’m helping hold space for along the way. That gift — to toggle between holding space for other men and, when the time is right, reflecting on yourself, where you’ve come from, where you get to go, and what feelings come up from hearing those stories. What does that mean to you?

Tim Matthews  2:58  
Beautiful. So, where have you come from?

Kelly Disiewich  3:07  
If I go back two years ago, I wasn’t in a great place. You know, I had a very similar story to a lot of men, but it was my story. I have a wife and two children. Divorce was imminent — maybe closer than I realized when I got into TPM and did some reflection on how close it was to all falling apart. But the trigger was my unhappiness. I look back now, and you mentioned a smile and a glow. I looked back at pictures with my family, and there was just sadness. There was sadness in my eyes and in my smile. It wasn’t there. In my heart, it just wasn’t there. There were moments when I just wasn’t able to be happy with my wife and my children, and they were sensing it. My daughter, who is 16 now and was 14 then, I could see our relationship deteriorating. I could see the path she was going down. I could see my son, who’s now nine and was seven at the time, and his unhappiness with himself. Our relationship with my wife? There was nothing there. We were the traditional, prototypical, “a million miles apart while we’re two feet apart.” That was every night. It all came from within me. I just wasn’t happy with myself. 

So, I got on a call with Sophia. I’m going to detour a little here. I got to meet Sophia four days ago when I showed up at The Ranch. It was really reflective to speak with her, and to hear her perspective from meeting me today versus two years ago. The voice, the eyes, the smile… she noticed such a big difference. I didn’t need validation, but it was interesting to hear her reflection because I am just a completely different person today.

Tim Matthews  5:39  
It’s hard to put into words, isn’t it?

Kelly Disiewich  5:40  
It really is hard to put into words because it isn’t words — it’s a feeling, it’s an energy. For me, that’s by far the most massive change. We were reflecting on day two yesterday, and at the end of day two, if you’ve been through the reset, you know what day two is. If you haven’t, you won’t until you get here. But my energy — I got to reconnect with that, and that’s been my biggest difference. It was feeling what that energy was. It was always there. My ability to share love and a smile, that’s been the biggest impact on my family.

Tim Matthews  6:28  
Let’s talk about that a little bit because I imagine a guy listening to this might think, “Energy? What does that even mean? I don’t get it.” They can probably understand when you say you are unhappy and sad — they can relate to that. But because they haven’t been through it, they might not get what this energy idea is. So let’s talk about the impact that energy, if you will, has had on you and your family. Take it away, brother.

Kelly Disiewich  6:58  
Yeah, for sure. For me, my journey with energy, which can mean something different to everyone, has been from a place of love and the ability to share that loving energy, to give to other people without forcing it. It’s been a force, a feeling of loving energy that I’ve been able to bring to my family. I can share from last night. I was reflecting on what the men had just gone through and the love I had for them, where they’d come from. For some reason, my daughter popped into my mind. She’s on my mind a lot, as is the rest of my family, but I was able to send love to her without being in the same room. You know, I’m up in Canada, and I’m sitting here in Oregon, and my ability to send love to her from here — she felt it. She sent me a text this morning, an unscripted text, about how much she loves me and how she felt the love. She shared how grateful she was for where our relationship is now and how happy she is with what her family is like. 

Tim Matthews  8:15  
Wow. What’s the biggest difference you’ve seen in your daughter over these past two years as you’ve been on this journey?

Kelly Disiewich  8:24  
Her trust in me. By sharing my loving energy with her, I’ve created a space where she feels safe. She comes to me with things now that she never would have in the past. We’ve got a relationship that has gone from yelling at each other and not talking in depth to one where she just didn’t want to be around me. I came home from The Alpha Reset with an energy of love that was just palpable, and she felt it. From where we were two years ago — you can share this, she’s got a nickname for me now: “New Dad.” She’s like, “It’s an ND thing.” One day, she and my wife, Morgan, were talking, and we were in the same room. I asked, “Oh, what are you guys texting about?” She shared that in their conversation, they were saying, “ND is doing this today.” I asked, “Who’s ND?” They said, “Oh, we’ve been saying that for like two months. It’s New Dad!” That was amazing to hear, and it was probably just a couple of months after the reset. It was an energy of love that created an environment where they felt comfortable enough to flourish in themselves. To me, that was the greatest gift I gave them.

Tim Matthews  9:56  
I keep putting myself in the shoes of a guy listening to this who might think, “Love? That’s nice, but does that mean becoming a walkover? Does that mean becoming soft, with no boundaries and no backbone?”

Kelly Disiewich  10:11  
Absolutely not. For me, love was something I was able to give to other people and create an environment, but it didn’t mean I found my fierceness while being able to give love. In the past, I had love in me, but it either came from a position of weakness, where I expected something in return, or I was just a walkover, doing something from the perspective that they might love what I was giving them, without loving myself.

Tim Matthews  10:47  
There’s an incredible amount of detachment that comes when you’re able to find that love, both for yourself and for others, and find that fierceness, speak your voice, and be who you want to be, without expecting anything in return, without caring what people think. There’s an amazing sense of freedom that exists in that space.

Kelly Disiewich  11:09  
Freedom’s an interesting word. I was journaling last night, and that’s the word that popped into my head: freedom. Reflecting over the last 10 months since I did my reset, “free” was the word I wrote down in my journal. It’s just that feeling — that I am comfortable doing whatever I want to do from a place within. I feel direction. Yeah, just reflecting right now, it’s a feeling of clarity that has come about in where I’m going and what I get to share with other people.

Tim Matthews  12:06  
How does that make you feel?

Kelly Disiewich  12:08  
As you can see — or not see — it’s a feeling of peacefulness. I don’t feel anxious or needy. I just feel a sense of contentment, of knowing where I want to go and what that means to me.

Tim Matthews  12:33  
What advice would you give to someone listening to this who feels stuck, like they’re spinning their wheels, unhappy, knowing there’s more out there for them? They’re thinking about doing The Activation Method, which includes the reset, but they’re scared. They just can’t take that step. What would you say to them?

Kelly Disiewich  13:01  
I’d say it’s the greatest gift you can give yourself. The greatest gift is doing the work for yourself. And I’d say just jump. That’s all it takes. Any of the men I’ve met and have become brothers with — we all hesitated when we first got to that line. All you need to do is get across it, and there’s something on the other side. The peacefulness, love, and satisfaction you’re looking for — it’s not going to come from anyone else outside. It’s going to come from you, taking that time for yourself and giving that gift to yourself.

Doug Holt  13:48  
Hey guys, sorry to interrupt this episode, but the reality is, if you are watching or listening to this right now, then you are looking to better yourself, and I applaud you. You’re one of my people, and I want to give you the opportunity to take massive action. So, if you haven’t joined The Activation Method yet, it’s our flagship program. Do what thousands of other businessmen just like you have done and take action. Be one of the one-percenters who actually does the work and takes action. There’ll be a link in the description that’ll take you right to a page that’ll give you more information. There is no obligation. Just go check it out and see if it’s a good fit for you. All right, let’s get back to this episode.

Tim Matthews  14:32  
So let’s switch gears a little bit. But before we do, I just feel the need to say this. I’m thinking about when we met for the first time in Banff, in October. That was what, nine months ago? Now we’re in July, yeah, roughly. And about the man I have the luxury of being with right now… I mean, the guy in October was brilliant, but the guy here today is on another level. Kudos to you, brother, for doing the work.

Kelly Disiewich  15:06  
Thank you, Tim. It means a lot.

Tim Matthews  15:07  
Yeah, kudos to you for doing the work. You deserve every bit of happiness, success, fulfillment, and freedom that you’re getting right now. I’m not surprised that your daughter is coming to you with things she previously wouldn’t have. I’m not surprised she’s sending you random, unsolicited texts telling you how much she loves you. Your health and fitness have gone to another level. I was working out with you in the morning, and I was like, “Shit, damn, Kelly, slow down! It’s supposed to be a fun workout, but you’re killing me!” But you were great. It’s incredible. The path you’re on is just remarkable.

Kelly Disiewich  15:56  
Yeah, you know, it’s funny you just said that because we were just inside listening to a part of the reset, and it reminded me not to dim my light. I’ve shared a small glimpse into how great my life is now. My business is doing better than it ever has, growing 20% year over year while I work 20% less. It’s amazing. My relationship with my wife, Morgan… if you go back a year ago, before I came to the reset, it was on the brink. We were both so upset, so unhappy. Now, the texts I get from her while I’m here are just on a totally different level. We’re loving each other in ways we haven’t since maybe when we were first married, maybe 15 to 17 years ago. We’re there now. She’s sending those texts that men don’t need but love to hear. It’s just a feeling of gratitude and gratefulness. When I told her I was going to be helping out at a reset, there wasn’t a bigger supporter. She said, “Yeah, we don’t have anything planned, so go do it!” And I didn’t need her to tell me to go do it. She was my biggest supporter. She knows. She’s felt the benefits of me going through this. My children have felt the benefits. My family has felt the benefits.

Tim Matthews  17:55  
The biggest thing that often comes to mind when you’re in this space is that at some point, it now becomes about how much you can handle, and how much you can receive. All the joy, love, success, and energy come flooding in, and it can be kind of overwhelming, right? It can easily bring tears to your eyes and your heart bursts wide open. The magic of life is like you’ve figured out a cheat code, right? Instead of swimming upstream, fighting the tides, you’re able to turn around, swim downstream, and let the tide take you. In my experience — I don’t know what you think — but for me, it’s been in that space where it becomes a process of breathing, relaxing, and asking, “How much more can I handle? How much more joy and happiness can I take in?” In a good way, like intentionally increasing my capacity to receive and hold space for more and more because it’s so overwhelming in the most positive way.

Kelly Disiewich  19:10  
I feel that, Tim. As I feel that joy coming in and expand my capacity, I feel more able to reach more people.

Tim Matthews  19:23  
Well said.

Kelly Disiewich  19:24  
Yeah, it’s not something you have to hold onto. You get to flow it out to more people. That’s been something I’ve experienced, especially in the last three months — connecting with people and sharing that love and joy, especially when they don’t have it in that moment but need it.

Tim Matthews  19:49  
It’s kind of like going from being dead to being alive. Totally. So, what’s it been like going through The Alpha Reset with these guys over the past few days?

Kelly Disiewich  20:00  
Oh, yeah, it’s, first of all, exhausting. The ability to hold space for these men, to see where they’ve come from, and watch them go through the journey you’ve been through yourself — you get to see that. You have that joy for them. You can see what they need to do to get to the other side. And they’re right there, right at the edge. To watch them get to that line and step over… man, that’s where this smile comes from. It’s the joy of seeing them get through to the other side. You talk about receiving joy — it’s tiring holding space for them, but then that inflow of joy that comes after that is amazing. It’s allowed me to reflect on where I’ve come from and where I get to go next.

Tim Matthews  21:04  
Your drive home is going to be a fun one — just sitting there reflecting. I remember one of the first resets I did… wow. I think it was the third Alpha Reset that we did. It was the first time we didn’t do it in the mountains but in a different location. The processes you guys go through now, it was the first real time we did those processes. I remember going to record a video afterward with the guy who was delivering it with me, and I was literally speechless. I couldn’t believe what had happened, like the transformations in the guys. That drive home, those few hours of reflection, I just had the biggest smile on my face, contemplating, to your point, what’s next and what’s been. I loved that space of reflection. It was wonderful.

Kelly Disiewich  22:10  
I look forward to that. I get a 10-hour drive home, just reflecting on the gift I’ve been able to share with these men and what I’ve received. Where I get to go from here… man, it’s an amazing journey.

Tim Matthews  22:34  
So, we have a lot of guys in the movement who raise their hands to be volunteers at this. A lot of men want to raise their hands to volunteer but, for one reason or another, they don’t make it. What would you say to those guys in the movement thinking about raising their hand and volunteering to give back?

Kelly Disiewich  22:55  
Just get your ass here! Man, the ability to reflect on where you’ve come from… we’ve got the men who have been through The Alpha Reset and are in The Brotherhood, we’re playing at a different level. I think sometimes we forget just how far we’ve come and what we have to share with these men. We were sitting in those chairs at one point, and we’ve got perspectives to share that might help. Maybe it helps one person get across that line. Think of how many lives that one person will impact. It’s amazing to see that stone drop in the water and the ripple effect. That’s what this is — the ripple effect we get to share with so many people.

Tim Matthews  23:52  
Goosebumps. Yeah, our mission is to serve the kids by saving the fathers first. You’re a testament to that. You’ve come and played a huge role in helping other men experience the same thing. So I want to say thank you for helping us further our mission, and for playing such a key role in helping to save the men in there. Because, to your point, they go home, and that will have a ripple effect on their kids. So, thank you.

Kelly Disiewich  24:27  
I receive that. Thank you. Thank you for the opportunity. Thank you for the movement. It’s been life-changing.

Tim Matthews  24:38  
So guys, I mean, wow. If you’re thinking about volunteering at a reset, just do it. If you’re thinking about attending a reset, just do it. I mean, listening to this, what do you really have to lose? It sounds to me like you have everything to gain. So, we’ll see you next time on The Powerful Man Show.