Attention: Married Businessmen

Give Us 4 Days And We'll Show You How To Save Your Marriage & Reconnect With Your Wife Without  Having To Go To Marriage Counselling Or Therapy

(…Even If You Feel Like You’re On The Brink Of Divorce)

Here are the details for you 🙂

I’m Taking 10 Businessmen To Help Them Get Back To Being The KING, Go From Arguing 2-3 Times Per Week To Having Sex 2-3 Times Per Week And Get Their Wife Looking At Them With Admiration And Respect Like It’s Their Wedding Day All Over Again… 
…Even If They Feel Like They’re On The Brink Of Divorce.

They’ll Be Able To Finally…

Now, I’m not saying their life will be all rainbows and unicorns, I’m a realist after all…

…but I am saying that when the shit hits the fan in their marriage and life, they’ll have the ability to THRIVE through it.

So, how will we accomplish this...

Glad you asked,
We’ll do this with a simple tool we call THE TRIAD OF CONNECTION, which…
Puts an end to the dread of walking through your front door, expecting to enter into a warzone…
… and replaces that with a feeling of being excited to spend the evening with your wife and kids.
Because your home has become your sanctuary – the place you want to be.
The Triad Of Connection is a set of 3 simple guidelines that build a solid foundation…
…that breaks you free from habits and patterns that have kept you shackled…
…and reclaims your place as THE KING in your home and in the eyes of your wife and children.
Think of The Triad Of Connection as the combination to a 3 digit lock…
…but did you know there are 1,000 possible combinations to a 3 digit lock?
But with The Triad Of Connection at your fingertips…
… it’ll make cracking the code of marriage and relationships as simple as loading up a cheat sheet and playing to win.
Clients like Mike tell me this is UNLIKE ANYTHING they’ve ever seen and is way more fun and enjoyable than the months he spent going through marriage counseling & therapy.
Mike turned his ‘on the brink’ marriage into a relationship full of admiration, respect (and a lot more sex)
In my experience, most couples focus on talking about their problems…
Either on their own or in marriage counseling & therapy…
Now I don’t know about you but most of the men we work with don’t need to be reminded of all the ways they’ve dropped the ball…
…things they’ve done wrong
…or promises they’ve broken.
Typically this leads to more chaos than calm and feels awful for both people involved
BUT… when we can create connection and more importantly just a little bit of traction in the relationship
…it makes nights cuddled up on the sofa frequent & FUN
(and don’t be surprised when she invites you to the bedroom!)
We’ve found that marriage counseling and therapy holds most couples back because it focuses on the problems in the past, rehashing them time and time again, which doesn’t get to the route of the issue, nor the man behind the marriage…
Some of my clients say that when they leave sessions they often feel worse…
…and the main reason marriage counseling and therapy didn’t work for them…
…was because there wasn’t a system to deal with the relationship and life outside of the awkwardness and discomfort of the 4 walls of the session.
(which is why, over time, the old patterns and habits creep back in, and most men find themselves back where they started or worse… unfortunately having to hire divorce lawyers)
Think of it like this…
If you want to build a house you’ve gotta start with the foundation.
If you try to build a house on already crumbling foundations…
…it might withstand a few hurricanes but eventually, it’s going to start to crack and collapse.
I’ll have you consider that the same is true in your marriage.
In my experience,
If you want to build a stable marriage and loving life with your wife that is full of passion, love, and sexual connection like the first night you were together on your wedding day…
…you need to start with the foundation.
And that is exactly what the Triad Of Connection gives you.
A solid foundation to build the exact marriage YOU want.


Omar Shabbir Case Study

Discover how Omar went from being paralyzed with anxiety to landing the largest order in the history of his business, losing 2 stone in weight and reconnecting with his wife

Lee Jack Case Study

Discover how Lee went from losing his relationship, being hospitalized with stress and working 60+ hour weeks to losing 10lbs, taking 3 holidays in 6 months whilst growing his business by 20%



*Wish you could start over with your wife? Take away hurtful things you said? Turn back time? Have her trust you again?

Using the Clean Slate Method you can.
You’ll be able to put the past in the past and establish connection quickly and easily.


*Have DRAMA FREE communication that leads to a passionate, loving, and peaceful relationship.

Did you know men and women argue and fight for different reasons?
Women fight and argue to connect, men come to win.
I get it.
As a man, if we lose, we feel less than…
If the business isn’t doing well, we feel less than
If we lose in a fight with another man, we feel less than.
But consider that if we win an argument with our wife do we really win?
In my experience, even if we win we lose.
Because it just creates more resentment and more arguments.
So next time arguments happens we’ll show you how to read between the lines using our “HIDDEN MOTIVES TECHNIQUE”
…to find WHY she wants to connect with you.
You’ll be amazed how easy it can be to deal with relationship issues that used to trip you up and build a relationship that can withstand any storm.


*Gets her looking at you with admiration and respect like it’s your wedding day all over again.

No matter how hard you try, you can’t control your wife.
You can’t change how she thinks or force her to feel a different way.
You can only control you.
You need to show her – and yourself – that YOU can be happy with yourself before she will ever believe that you can make HER happy again too.
The fact of the matter is that women don’t like it when their partner is unhappy with themselves.
It’s unattractive. It’s a turn-off.
And it makes them seem needy.
But when your wife sees and feels that you are a confident & powerful man, just like when you first got together, she won’t be able to keep her hands off you.
I’m not saying you can’t ever be unhappy.
Sometimes life gives you lemons, and you don’t have the sugar to make lemonade.
But, it’s in those bad times that it’s even more important for your wife to be able to rely on you to LEAD the way to a happy marriage.
Using our Power Principles you’ll be happy with the man looking back at you in the mirror
…and your wife will have a newfound respect and admiration for the man she married.
If it sounds too simple you’re totally right, it’s taken me years of trial & error to make it as simple as ABC


*Be the KING and leader in your wife’s eyes and experience life in a POWERFUL MARRIAGE.
Using our LIVE AS THE KING system you’ll be able to take back control of the relationship and get your wife on the same page as you…
… with your QUEEN by your side, you’ll be able to build your kingdom and life together as the power couple you know you could be.
It’s not uncommon for the men we work with to have friends and business associates reaching out asking them for advice after implementing the LIVE AS THE KING system.


Dave Garrish Case Study

Discover how Dave went from almost leaving his marriage to dating his wife again and reconnecting with this kids in a way he never expected

Matt Jennings Case Study

Discover how Matt went from feeling like an imposter and waiting for the rug to be pulled beneath him and his multi-million dollar company to reigniting lust in his marriage, passion in his business and purpose in his life

Ryan Peach Case Study

Discover how Ryan went from shouting at his kids, his wife almost having an affair and his business struggling to wild sex, attracting key investors and having daddy daughter dates

***The Next Step***

You don’t have to send me any money now.

In fact,
You won’t see a button to buy anything on this page.
There’s two reasons for that.
1) I’m sure you have a few questions you want answered.

Which I completely understand and will gladly answer

2) I also have some questions for you too…

As I only work with men who I know for certain I can help get results.
So, call it “selfish” if you want (and maybe it is) but I need to make sure you and I will work well together…
…and that you’re the type of person who can and will follow through on the strategies and resources I share with you.
In other words – I need to know with certainty that I can get you the results i’m promising.
Fair enough?
So, here’s all you have to do now.
Click the button below and fill out the short application on the next page.

From there, we’ll chat…

… i’ll ask you a few questions to figure out whether or not I can actually get you the results you want – i’ll answer your questions – fill you in a few more key details (yes, like the price)

…and as long as we both agree that we’re a good match – we’ll get you enrolled.

I look forward to our chat,
Rooting For You,

If You Are Ready To Save Your Marriage & Reconnect With Your Wife Without Having To Go To Marriage Counseling Or Therapy

Frequently Asked Questions

Now…if I were you…

I’d imagine you’ve got a bunch of questions
At the risk of writing the Magna Carta…I’m going to answer some questions I’m sure you have below.
*****How is this different from marriage counseling and therapy?
Great question,
As I mentioned above most marriage counseling and therapy focus on the marriage, past conflict and problems.
And they certainly don’t take into account the reality of the day to day struggles of trying to manage a business with the rest of your life.
This is not that.
As a married businessman
I want you to know I get it.
Being a business owner is hard – it’s stressful at times.
Now pile on the addition of doing your best to keep your wife, kids and employees happy without going completely insane…
It’s no wonder businessmen regularly find themselves in “NO MANS LAND” being stressed and feeling so overwhelmed when they get home from work…
…that they lose all patience, snap at their kids for acting their age, feel disconnected with their wife and their body starts to feel tired, flat and low on energy.
So to start with we’ll focus on building a solid foundation to build your marriage on so it can withstand the storms life throws as you.
*****How do I know THE POWERFUL MAN will work for me?
We’ve helped over 400 men stop the breakdown of their marriage and liberate their life as a married businessman.
Our “secret sauce” if you can call it that, is THE TRIAD OF CONNECTION & THE ACTIVATION METHOD.
As long as you’re willing to put in a ‘lil effort and follow the system you’ll have her looking into your eyes with love, respect and admiration again.

If You Are Ready To Save Your Marriage & Reconnect With Your Wife Without Having To Go To Marriage Counseling Or Therapy